Sunday, February 10, 2008

It is very easy to slip into shitness. This weekend I have drank red wine, lager, bitter, Guinness and, oh yes, some very nice Spyder (non alcoholic) ginger beer. Bananas and cornflakes and water have kept the hangover at bay and, touch wood, it is still working. I have scared my Mom, because she is not used to her beloved eldest son ringing her up drunk, and I have scared Lorraine, because she is not used to the man who shares the house with her leaving said house without having a shave or a wash, or pulling down his trousers, pointing at his cock and saying, "Remember this? You haven't seen it for a while".

I have seen two movies: "The Diving Bell And The Butterfly" (which was great) and "Definitely, Maybe" (that should have been shit, but wasn't). Thank God for movies. I love them. I would die without them.

I will be watching the Bafta's in an hour. For what it is worth I think that "Atonement" will win Best Film, Daniel Day-Lewis Best Actor and Julie Christie Best Actress. British judging bias, and why not? I tried to put a bet on those earlier, but had difficulties. In preparation I have printed off the list of the Oscar nominations and am finding it very difficult to decide what will win, but probably Daniel Day-Lewis and Julie Christie have the same two major acting awards locked.

I have bought Lorraine flowers. She loves them.

I will get over myself.

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I love love love what you said to Lorraine. I've been wanting to tell you to do something similar for weeks, but I've bit my tongue. Good for you, Pynch!!
Interesting - looks like Marion Cotillard (spelling?) won. Did you see "La Vie En Rose?" It was quite an amazin performance. I finally saw "Away From Her" and liked Julie Christie, but she's not really in the film as much as the actor who plays her husband. It felt almost like a supporting role. Maybe it's the small screen vs. big screen difference...
jen: I am not exactly enthused at my behaviour over the weekend, but I suppose my anger and frustration at a few things was made clear to Lorraine.

medusa: Sadly I have not seen either of those films. No doubt they will turn up on Film Four or Sky Movies, in due course.
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