Monday, November 05, 2007

I thought that antibiotics are supposed to have no affect on cold and flu germs? If that is the case, how come the second I stopped taking my tablets, I developed a really bad sore throat and the sniffles?

God hates me.

I saw two films at the weekend ("Death At A Funeral" and "The Lookout"). My intention this evening was to write two short reviews of them, but other things took a little longer than expected, so they will have to wait until tomorrow.

The world turns...

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No, God does not hate you. She loves you. She told me so.

Hope the finger and the sniffles are all better now.
The finger? Yes. Much better, thanks.

The sniffles? Still sniffling, but I do not feel as bad as I did earlier today.

I suppose I should go to bed. Rest and all that.
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