Thursday, October 18, 2007

There should be a review of Maximum Bob's Shuffleathon CD around here somewhere. Hang on a minute. I'll just have a look for it.

(Has a look.)

Hmm.... I can't find it.

No. Now I remember. I've deleted it because it was a piece of shit! (The review that is, not the CD. I'm listening to it now and there are two tracks that I think are absolutely wonderful.)

OK. I am in some kind of fanatical, perfection seeking mood where everything I write is unsatisfactory and not worthy of the genius that I am. I'll get over it. Sorry Maximum Bob. I cannot even promise that when the review finally appears it will have been worth the wait.

I will be back at the weekend. Tomorrow I am off to see Ian Brown at the Carling Academy.

Now I'm off now to watch "Californication". Lorraine hates it. I think it is really funny.

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"Californication" is a show most people hate, I've found, but I still keep watching it. I can't decide if it's my love for all things Duchovny, or if I actually like it. (Although I do think it improves as it moves along.)
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