Thursday, October 04, 2007
"Shoot 'Em Up".

"Shoot 'Em Up" is the kind of film that John Woo used to make, before he moved into American movies and started to make rubbish.
("Mission: Impossible II"? Hand me the DVD will you? Thanks a lot. (Sets it alight with a blowtorch and throws it in the bin!) That's how you dispose of rubbish.)
"Shoot 'Em Up" is faintly preposterous, ridiculous and hyper violent; not to mention somewhat distasteful (lactating hookers? no thanks, pal) and illogical. It contains poker faced performances by Clive Owen (who obviously could never have been the modern Bond, because his film choices clearly demonstrate he cannot take popcorn action films seriously - not that it affected Roger Moore's career, mind) and a sizzling hot Monica Bellucci (who I suspect, like Penelope Cruz before her, just cannot act in English).
It is short, fast, relentless and hyper kinetic. As thin and insubstantial as tissue paper and I loved every daft minute of it. Great stuff.
Crack open a cold one and enjoy.

"Shoot 'Em Up" is the kind of film that John Woo used to make, before he moved into American movies and started to make rubbish.
("Mission: Impossible II"? Hand me the DVD will you? Thanks a lot. (Sets it alight with a blowtorch and throws it in the bin!) That's how you dispose of rubbish.)
"Shoot 'Em Up" is faintly preposterous, ridiculous and hyper violent; not to mention somewhat distasteful (lactating hookers? no thanks, pal) and illogical. It contains poker faced performances by Clive Owen (who obviously could never have been the modern Bond, because his film choices clearly demonstrate he cannot take popcorn action films seriously - not that it affected Roger Moore's career, mind) and a sizzling hot Monica Bellucci (who I suspect, like Penelope Cruz before her, just cannot act in English).
It is short, fast, relentless and hyper kinetic. As thin and insubstantial as tissue paper and I loved every daft minute of it. Great stuff.
Crack open a cold one and enjoy.
Labels: Movies