Monday, October 08, 2007

My entertaining weekend.

I finally finished reading "Making History".

I liked it well enough, mostly because of the ingenious central idea (*** SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS *** preventing the birth of Adolf Hitler precipitates a successful Final Solution to the Jewish problem *** END OF SPOILERS), but thought that it was slapdashly (is that a word?) and haphazardly written, almost as if Stephen Fry couldn't decide the kind of book he wanted to write. A bit surprising, that. You would imagine that anything written by such an erudite individual would would be kind of wonderful. Well, it was published in 1997. Perhaps his writing has got better?

I went to see "The Heartbreak Kid" starring Ben Stiller.

Lorraine loathes Ben Stiller. She loathes him almost as much, but not quite as much, as she loathes Jim Carrey. When I pointed out to her that Ben Stiller has been in some really good films, she said that that might well be the case, but those films were good despite Ben Stiller and not because of Ben Stiller.

How curious. I tend to think pretty much the opposite. I think a number of really average films have been improved by Ben Stiller being in the cast. And that just about brings us to "The Heartbreak Kid" .

Frankly, it is hardly a great film, but if you are a Farrelly Brothers fan, and I am, you will find enough to enjoy because it is exactly like all of their other films. I cannot make any comparison between this film and the original "The Heartbreak Kid", because I have never seen the original but Farrelly's version is stupid, rude, vulgar and gross out. As I said, just like all of their other films. Hey! No harm in watching one of those, once in a while.

I thought that Ben Stiller was good. Nobody plays Mr. Exasperated like Ben Stiller. I thought that Malin Akerman was good. Gorgeous and sexy and as mad as a fish. I thought that Michelle Monaghan was OK, but it was a thankless part as all she really had to be was pretty and nice and normal and the kind of girl you would introduce to your Mother. Jerry Stiller (Ben's Dad) was really funny.

"The Heartbreak Kid" is not subtle, but if you are in the right frame of mind, it is enjoyable.

Yesterday I saw "Michael Clayton", but I will write about that later. I have to get dressed to go to work.


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Of course when you are giving us your review of Michael Clayton, you will post lovely photos of Mr. Clooney. Right?
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