Friday, April 13, 2007

Sore throat? Gone.
Drowsiness? Gone.
Cough? Still there. Still teeth shattering.
Sniffles? Still there, but reduced somewhat.

A marked improvement, methinks. I think that I will celebrate my good health tomorrow by going to see a movie. (Probably "Das Leben der Anderen" or "The Lives Of Others".) You know, something that I would never do.

At work I am now at a new desk. I am sitting between Tom Ninety and Ginger Foghorn. The intention is that as the time I spend on the old product gets less and less (yeah, right...), I will start to learn and support the new product. Tom and Ginger will be there to advise me. Tom is a sarcastic bugger, but so am I (I was only joking fuff), so we will be fine. But Ginger.... Oh dear...

Ginger is loud. So loud. She is opinionated. (Under the old manager we used to have a team meeting every Thursday. Some of us would play a game whereby we would put bets on how many times Ginger uttered the word "I". The record was 107 times in a two hour meeting. What's that? 53.5 times in an hour? Good Lord. I couldn't believe it when it happened.) She is a relentless self publicist. (Aren't all of us who have blogs?) She thinks she is fantastic. She thinks that she is better analyst than Lorraine (bollocks!), is crucially important to The Company and that the rest of us are just obstacles to her rise up The Company ladder. She is Wonder Woman!

I'm sure that she loves me as well.

I think that Lorraine put me next to Ginger to piss Ginger off. Lorraine knows that I am going to get maximum fun out of winding her up.

Or maybe Lorraine did it to piss me off...?

No. Can't be. Can it?

Something else that is also going to piss Ginger off is that I have been given a new PC. I didn't actually ask for a new PC, and there were probably other candidates (e.g. Ginger) who had a more pressing need than myself to get a new PC, but I'm not going to complain. The new PC is a hundred times better than the old piece of shit I have worked on for the last 5 years.

I spent a happy couple of hours this morning installing things on the PC that the mass brain of the Internal Infrastructure Team forgot to do. You know the kind of thing. Printers. Help Desk software. Modem...

Ooops. Got to go. The new series of "Peep Show" starts in 18 minutes. Genius.

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An honourable name and shame eh? Teehee (so was I) !
does this mean she has a blog? LINK!
fuff: Er... Yes.

mark: I don't think she has a blog, but it wouldn't surprise me. Maybe I should start a blog for her!
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