Friday, February 16, 2007

I had no intention of doing a second post today, but Lorraine decided to watch some ghastly piece of shit movie on TV (the horror has burnt the title out of my brain), so here I am.

Nothing much to write about.

Ah, I know...

Firstly, in an act of blatant self promotion I would like to announce that my Earworms are up on Swiss Toni's blog.

Secondly, I am now reading Stephen King's "The Dark Tower V: Wolves Of The Calla". So far, so good. I really love Stephen King, but it's probably been years since I have actually read any King.

Since the last time I mentioned reading I have finished Lawrence Block's "Tanner's Tiger", which was OK, but was not the best Lawrence Block I've ever read, and Terry Pratchett's "The Light Fantastic", which I enjoyed very much. Lorraine has gone slightly mental on the "Discworld" books. She is now on number six and thinks that I should buy the rest for her.

Yeah, right.

Quiet night. I'm off to listen to some music.

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Have you read the other Dark Tower books? I have Wolves of the Calla, but haven't read any of the others, and wonder if I ought to get the rest from the library before reading this one? Or can it stand alone...?
"buy the rest"?! There's a gazillion of them! I quit reading Pratchett over a decade ago and even I'd got to 20 or so Discworld books by then!

They are good and a few might make a nice present but not the lot surely?!
skywolf: The "Dark Tower" books are a saga and should be read in order.

stef: Lorraine will not be getting the lot. She might get a couple as part of her Birthday present, next month, but that's about it.
Thanks. I thought so. I shall have to get round to borrowing the first ones at some point, then.
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