Friday, December 29, 2006

If it should be.

"If it be I grow frail and weak,
And pain should wake me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle can't be won.
You will be sad, I understand,
Don't let your grief then stay your hand,
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.
We've had so many happy years,
What is to come will hold no fears,
You'll not want me to suffer, so,
When the time comes, please let me go,
I know in time you too will see,
It is kindness you do me,
Although my tail it's last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved,
Do not grieve that it should be you,
Who has to decide this thing to do,
We've been so close, we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears."

It's funny, I've always thought of Lorraine's Dad as a blunt, unsentimental Cockney, but there he goes and sends us that poem.

I think that it is beautiful.

No time now. We are going into town to spend vouchers and return presents. Back later.

That is beautiful and exactly as it should be. I find it abhorrent that euthanasia is illegal.

My great uncle spent 9 months dying slowly in agony of cancer and it would have been better for all if that had been cut short.

Here's hoping that there's many years before Lorraine's dad reaches that stage.
Such a sweet poem. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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