Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rotten day at work.

I got stuck with a problem with the product in an area that I know very little about. The customer was not impressed. I think that my hesitation was showing in my voice. I had a guess at the solution (Nobody to ask, you see, because everybody on the new product who used to work on the old product is suffering from fucking software amnesia! Documentation? What fucking documentation?) and tried it. It seemed to work OK. The customer disagreed. I reversed it and tried something else. I managed that and then the customer came back and said that the first solution was OK. By that time we were fucked.

Ah... You don't want to know. I was at it for hours. The afternoon was no better.

Bollocks to it. I'm off to watch "C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation" and then the "Lost" double bill. Lose myself in TV. It's a good choice.

But first... Correct the last posting. It is "X-Men: The LAST Stand" and not "X-Men: The FINAL Stand". Standards and all that. Gotta be accurate.

I always find that the best way to deal with support calls is the "you're mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck" approach.

Got em out of a job every time!
That was meant to be "me out of a job" not "em out of a job"

I'm glad I don't do support any more. These days, I'm the one calling for help!
Stef - I knew a girl who did that. She was leaving anyway, but she was still my heroine at that moment.

tiggerzar - Never doubt it, support is hell.
I said that once in a meeting too. I also was leaving but still, it felt so good!
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