Thursday, May 25, 2006

No posting last night. We went to see "The Da Vinci Code" at the Electric Cinema.

Where to begin...

"The Da Vinci Code" is as dull as ditch water. No drama. No passion. No urgency. No tension. No sense of danger. No chemistry between the leads whatsoever. And Tom Hanks was having a restful sleepwalk through his role. It was an average TV movie. Swap Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou for Bruce Boxleitner and Jaclyn Smith and you would have been hard pressed to notice the difference.


A lot happens in the film, and it was full of good ideas, but any film that commits the Cardinal Sin (see what I did there?) of being boring is not a film that I want to see. I don't mind going to see a bad film, but I don't want to see a boring film. Great shame. I think done properly it could have been a top notch conspiracy thriller. Wrong Director and Screenwriter, maybe? Leaving the cinema I was thinking of what somebody like David Fincher and Andrew Kevin Walker might have done with the material.

I have not read the book, but Lorraine has. She liked the book a lot and said that the film was "slow" and that the interesting bits of backstory were relegated to just snippets in passing.

Halfway through the film I also guessed what the final revelation was going to be. I hate it when that happens.

I agree. I almost fell asleep. paul bettany looked too star wars, and the whole church latin thing was a bit too pretentious for me.

and, frankly, I didn't quite get the whole problem. so, jesus had kids. good for him.
Audrey. You would though wouldn't you?

Perhaps I'll just watch Amelie and Dirty Pretty Things again instead. DPT is a fantastic movie
I enjoyed the book immensely, but didn't think there was a great cinematic climax to it, so I'm not planning to see the movie. Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon doesn't work for me either. Tom is a great actor, but this role was meant for someone else.
jonathan - I thought Paul Bettany was fine, but my good lady did not think that he was frightening enough.

stef - Honest answer? She really doesn't do much for me. I probably would, though. If she asked nicely. And Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz or Abi Titmuss were not about. And I was not too tired.

Concur on "Dirty Pretty Things". Brilliant movie. Already a classic. It's funny since "Amelie" Audrey Tautou has done some really dramatic work, hasn't she?

tiggerzar - Couldn't comment on the either. Haven't read the book. Tom Hanks was just... subdued.
Audrey in Amelie is delightful. In that character she is brilliant.

I haven't seen the movie....and now probably won't.
Glad to hear you didn't like 'Da Vinci Code' - So many people said they weren't thrilled with it, much less live up to the excellence of the book.
Audrey is in my 'celebrity threesome', if I was about she'd definitely get a portion.

I'd have her over Abi Titmus any day of the week. Rachel Weisz is on the subs bench though in case Audrey or Laura Prepon drops out through exhaustion. ;-) I kinda see your Kate Winslet thing but don't really get it.

Amelie definitely 'went mainstream' but I think more people should see Dirty Pretty Things. Very powerful, very good. In a similar vein, I don't think I've seen a single move by Pedro Almodóvar I haven't liked. That guy rocks!
that final revelation? it's signposted in the book as well, so they were accurate in that regard, eh?

I just wish Dan Brown would have the balls to come out and say it's just a bit of fluff and he doesn't understand the fuss... but instead he hides behind some bogus veil of "truth". If people could just take it as a good yarn based on a legend that has fascinated mankind since the middle ages (the grail), then fine. I was in the Louvre on Friday and I have to say that the evidence is to the contrary - lots of eager american types pondering the "Madonna of the Rocks" and other suchlike.

You are right though. Forget all of that... how can you forgive the film for being so long and so dull?

And what the hell is Hanks doing with that hair?

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