Friday, May 05, 2006

Minor story about a girl that I had/have some feelings for. Regulars will know who she is. I'm not going to mention her name again.

At a party the boyfriend of this girl told a work colleague of mine that, "I really like being with (fill in name here). Sometimes she lets me stick my dick up her arse."

My first thought was that the boyfriend was a crass scumbag shithead for sharing such a personal thing about a girl he is in a relationship with, and then I realised that I was being a hypocrite because this is the kind of thing that I have always done on this blog. And I felt bad about being a hypocrite. I feel really bad about being a hypocrite.

I then started thinking about relationships and sex things and the way that there is a stage of a relationship in which you will do things for somebody else because they like it and not necessarily because you like it, and the way that Lorraine and I have gone way past that stage now and all she ever says to me is "No, not tonight" or "No, that's disgusting" or "No, I'm too tired".

I have had several drinks. I don't think Lorraine gives a damn. We should talk, but she doesn't want to talk. Very fucked situation indeed.

I have had a quick scan around. Mark, I accept your challenge, but I need to consider carefully.

Hmm - not a nice situation to be in. You really need to talk, because you need to resolve this one way or the other. Denial of sexual favours can be a powerful weapon.
I don't think sharing your thoughts on a blog with people who are anonymous near-strangrs and more importantly, don't know the real lorraine, is very different from talking about your sex life with people at a party who know (and possibly work with?) the woman in question. Go with your first reaction - that guy is a scum.
Tiggerzer - Thanks man. Talk, we will.

medusa - I've always thought that the guy was a cock and not enough for her. I don't care too much about what she does with her body, good for her if it's her choice. I don't think anything less of her. Yes, scum. Pond scum. And I am still a hypocrite.
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