Thursday, January 12, 2006

I have cut my little finger. It is really painful. I am dying.

I was up very late last night watching the last two episodes of "Lost" (puzzles upon puzzles upon puzzles, and ain't it just fine?) and then had to get up very early this morning. I now feel absolutely wasted.

I did want to write about the team meeting we had today because things are changing. I won't. I think it would all come out as so much gibberish if I wrote about it now, so I am going to delay until the weekend. At this moment I need to get some sleep.

Nearly the weekend.

Egads,I am trembling thinking about your poor injury. I hope the blood loss wasn't too substantial. Where shall I send the get well card?
Let me guess, the things that are changing re the meeting are that the management are finding bigger and better ways to balls everything up...
Last night we had our first new episode of "Lost" after a 6 week hiatus, and it was great - worth the wait (almost. Still hate waiting!)

So does this mean that you guys have gotten the whole first season? It was a long summer waiting to find out what happened next after that. But I understand you are getting Season 2 in March now, so it won't be so bad... before long you are going to be caught up.
Daisy - Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I am well. At one point I thought I was fading and slipping away. I started moving towards the light, but then I heard the voice of Britney Spears urging me to come back and have sex with her and I turned away from the light and everything was well.

Stef - Just about to write a little about it.

Medusa - Yes, we have now just finished the whole of season one. I believe that Channel 4's original idea was to start the next series in August/September, but now they are saying spring. March/April I suppose.
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