Monday, January 30, 2006

A correction to a previous post. The Osmonds album was not called "The Game", it was called "The Plan". Also, the fine tune "Crazy Horses" did not appear on this album.

It serves me right for not checking out my information before I posted it. I blame Lorraine, the Osmonds, God, Jim Carrey, Bruce Springsteen, the receptionist at work and the guy who sat behind me on the bus yesterday afternoon. All of them conspired to create this appalling faux pas. I am prostrate before you. I beg your forgiveness.

In fact, I'm off to find a sword so that I can commit hari kari. There's one around here somewhere.

(No. Nothing much happened today, except that one of the guys in Tech Support handed in his notice. Possibly a harbinger of a mass exodus from the Company to come. A couple of people also did not turn up to work, claiming to be ill. It's a laugh.

This evening we watched "Life On Mars". It's very good. I then went on the computer and loaded up the Monkees "Headquarters" album, which is Fab by the way, onto my MP3 player and then surfed the net until I stopped.)

Personally I'd feel like I'd owe the world an apology if I did know the ins and outs of the Osmonds and quite proud to be ignorant!
Just watched this weeks Life on Mars. Superb! It just gets better and better, I love it.

Think I got the heads-up about the series from you so cheers Mr P!
Have tried to keep following Life on Mars. It's good, but I did notice one mistake last night. The girls he was dancing with in the club were wearing blue halter-neck dresses right? Well, I can assure you, they were NOT Seventies outfits. How do I know this? There's one of the exact same dresses hanging in one of my wardrobes right now. It's an Anne Summers 2005 Air Hostess costume. I'm a bit of an expert on bedroom fancy dress, and that, for me, was a bit like seeing a Roman wearing a digital watch...

Perhaps they could blame that on it all being just his imagination...?
I was thinking the same thing that Stef was. You should be PROUD that you disin't know the name of that Osmond album. Proud I tell you!
Hee, hee, funny you should notice that about the Ann Summers dresses Maboeln. I know the ones you mean, I know someone who has the green 'army' one but I've seen the blue one too.

I didn't notice the dress in the show though, I must, er... Have been, er... Distracted! ;-)
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