Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Not a new beginning..

OK, I know, I know. It's not exactly the new beginning that I had hoped for. I post a single line on Sunday and then... Nothing.

And, sadly, I am going to disappoint you again this evening, because there is no time now to write anything of any consequence. "Love Soup" starts in 23 minutes and I have promised Lorraine that I would make her a sausage sandwich before then (and you can stop sniggering at the back, your dirty minded people!)

So.... Tomorrow.

There is catching up to be done.

Pink? I mean... pink? Did you KNOW your blog is pink? It takes a real man to be secure enough to have a pink blog. You rock!
pleased to see you are still here.

By the way, did you notice I didn't make even one comment about "Love Soup"? I am so proud of myself. (Pat on the back to me)
Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne Lorainne!

That's a song.
Daisy - Hey, don't diss the pink! If it is good enough for John Major (the PM before Mr. Blair) who was wearing pink socks and a pink tie on the Sunday morning political show, then it is good enough for me.

I don't care. I like "Love Soup". I think it is very funny and it will no doubt be winging it's way onto whatever cable channel in the States broadcasts British shows, within a matter of months.

Swiss - Cheers, mate!

Di - Bad Manners? I remember that one. (Sings) "Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine".
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